domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010


First of all my apologies for last post, but for some stupid reason I couldn't turn them around. I'm doing this on a PS3, so that's probably why. Anyway, here's a dragon from the game Panzer Dragoon Saga and a couple of characters from street fighter. I've also started working on my interpretation of Roland Deschain from the dark tower books from steven king and I think that will be really special. I'll post some shots of that later. So, if you got any questions or sugestions, just leave a comment...


Hey there ! Here are some shots of a tyrant figure from resident evil I've been sculpting for almost a year (!) now. It's really massive and easily the biggest thing I've ever made! It measures about 70cm (28 inches). Has you can see I just use plain plasticine ( I only use JOVI brand). I start with a rough sketch and then add details starting from the head down. When I got a detail just right I paint it over with wood glue (PVC glue), and that's really the trick. the glue seals the details and acts as a basecoat for painting. You have to water it down a bit and add just a tiny pinch of liquid hand washing soap. thats really important because the plasticine is kinda greasy and the surface tension from the water will oderwise prevent the glue from sticking. So, what do you think? Can't wait to get it painted. It'll end up like the one on my last post, wich is about the size of a regular action figure...